How to trade with python in Zerodha

Automatically trading in Zerodha with Python is super easy and you dont even need a Kite Connect subscription. In this short post I will show you how use Jugaad-Trader to automate your trades with Python.



You need to install the jugaad-trader library, you can do this using pip-

pip install jugaad-trader --upgrade

You can follow the documentation here for more details

Show me the code now

>> from jugaad_trader import Zerodha
>> user_id = "USERID"
>> password = "PASSWORD"
>> two_fa = "PIN"

⚠️ Using your password directly in the code is not the best way, recommend you to follow this documentation for more details

Now log in to Your account-

>> z = Zerodha(user_id, password, two_fa)
>> print(z.login())
{'status': 'success', 'data': {'profile': {}}}

Let us fetch your profile information first

>> print(z.profile())

{'user_id': 'USERID',
 'user_type': 'individual',
 'email': '',
 'user_name': 'XYZ ABC',
 'user_shortname': 'ABC',
 'broker': 'ZERODHA',
 'exchanges': ['BFO', 'CDS', 'BSE', 'NFO', 'MF', 'NSE'],
 'products': ['CNC', 'NRML', 'MIS', 'BO', 'CO'],
 'order_types': ['MARKET', 'LIMIT', 'SL', 'SL-M'],
 'avatar_url': '',
 'meta': {'demat_consent': 'physical'}}

I’m writing this article in off-market hours so I could not place a normal order, instead I had to place an “After Market” order.

>> order_id = z.place_order(tradingsymbol="INFY",
>> print(order_id)

You might have observed that the API is really very similar to KiteConnect and this is intentional design choice. You can pretty much follow KiteConnect documentation to explore other features. There are few things that might now work as of now like instruments method or KiteTicker.

If you are a beginner, I would recommend you to read more on Zerodha product types, what is AMO etc, so that you can relate better to what is the meaning of z.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET, z.PRODUCT_CNC z.VARIETY_AMO and most importantly you know what you are getting into, Because trading without knowing can be very risky, you can loose money very quickly.

Now let us look at our order book-

>> print(z.orders())
>> [{'placed_by': 'USERID', 'order_id': '2xxyyxxeejjddd', 'exchange_order_id': None, 'parent_order_id': None, 'status': 'AMO REQ RECEIVED', 'status_message': None, 'status_message_raw': None, 'order_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 1, 9, 10), 'exchange_update_timestamp': None, 'exchange_timestamp': None, 'variety': 'amo', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'tradingsymbol': 'INFY', 'instrument_token': 408065, 'order_type': 'MARKET', 'transaction_type': 'BUY', 'validity': 'DAY', 'product': 'CNC', 'quantity': 1, 'disclosed_quantity': 0, 'price': 0, 'trigger_price': 0, 'average_price': 0, 'filled_quantity': 0, 'pending_quantity': 1, 'cancelled_quantity': 0, 'market_protection': 0, 'meta': {}, 'tag': None, 'guid': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'}]

If you have managed to execute everything till this point, congratulations! you are now ready to automate your trades, If not let me know in comments or in github issues page

Putting all together

Putting it all together in a single script-

from jugaad_trader import Zerodha
user_id = "USERID"
password = "PASSWORD"
two_fa = "PIN"
z = Zerodha(user_id, password, two_fa)
order_id = z.place_order(tradingsymbol="INFY",

Note of caution

You might be really excited now to try new things with this library, I dont want to curb your enthusiasm, but I just wanted to make you aware of few things-

This is not officially Zerodha library

As of today, this library is working, but it is highly subject to Zerodha not changing their website APIs. In my experience they do change the API every few months if not daily, and when they do that, your code will break. For any serious trading, consider buying KiteConnect subscription.

Rate limiting

Play nice, Do not bombard Zerodha server with frequent requests, your IP will get blocked. Avoid running it in loops or atleast add some delay with sleep.

Session expiry

Like your session with Zerodha expires after some time in browser and you have to login again, your python session will expire after some time, This is very much possible to handle programatically but you will have to write some extra code to take care of that scenario.

What next

In any algo trading system, “Execution” is the last part. but as a programmer, this part is really tempting for me and I developed this library. But what trades will you execute without any strategy. I myself am really a beginner in this regards.

So I recommend you to learn a lot about strategies and backtesting, once you master strategies, Its all going to rain money.