Jugaad Trader - Free Zerodha API


Jugaad trader implements reverse engineered API for Zerodha in python (hence the name Jugaad). With this library you can programatically execute trades, retrieve your order and trade books, holdings, margins among other things.

But how does jugaad-trader work?

Zerodha’s trading platoform - kite, uses REST API to talk to its backend (Kite portal API). All the functionality of logging in, placing orders, getting portfolio among other funtionalities is implemented using REST APIs. Most of this functionality of Kite portal API is same as their paid API product - Kite connect API.

jugaad-trader is a Python library which implements the Kite portal API and provides all the functionality that the Kite portal offers using Python.

Does jugaad-trader use Selenium?

No, We use Python’s requests library. While you can automate the trading with Selenium, but that is a very slow and un-reliable method. Selenium implementation is very hard/expensive to deploy to cloud. Whereas with jugaad-trader you can implement your logic to bare metal, containers, Google cloud functions or AWS Lambda.



pip install jugaad-trader

Getting started

Similar to how you would need to log in to your Zerodha account from its website, we need to log in to our account in Python with our credentials.

There are two methods to log in and create a session

Beginner friendly method: Using jtrader command (CLI), this is installed along with jugaad-trader library Fully automated method: Directly inside Python code using pyotp library

Here we will use Begineer friendly method

Step 1 - Start session with jtrader CLI using your zerodha credentials

$ jtrader zerodha startsession
User ID >: Zerodha User Id
Password >:
Pin >:
Logged in successfully

Above command stores the session object in pickle format in your app directory. (Run jtrader zerodha configdir to find out the config directory.)

Zerodha CLI reference

Please read CLI reference for more details

Step 2 - Instantiate Zerodha and issue commands

from jugaad_trader import Zerodha
kite = Zerodha()
# Set access token loads the stored session.
# Name chosen to keep it compatible with kiteconnect.

# Get profile
profile = kite.profile()

# Get margin
margins = kite.margins()

# Get holdings
holdings = kite.holdings()

# Get today's positions
positions = kite.positions()

# Get today's orders
orders = kite.orders()

# Finally placing an order
order_resp = kite.place_order(variety=z.VARIETY_REGULAR,

This class is mostly compatible with official KiteConnect class. There are some methods that are not supported thru browser (for example ‘instruments’), I would request community to report which methods are working and which are not.

Working with ticker

from jugaad_trader import Zerodha
kite = Zerodha()
# Set access token loads the stored session.
# Name chosen to keep it compatible with kiteconnect.

kws = kite.ticker()

def on_ticks(ws, ticks):
    # Callback to receive ticks.
    print("Ticks: {}".format(ticks))

def on_connect(ws, response):
    # Callback on successful connect.
    # Subscribe to a list of instrument_tokens (RELIANCE and ACC here).
    ws.subscribe([738561, 5633])

    # Set RELIANCE to tick in `full` mode.
    ws.set_mode(ws.MODE_FULL, [738561])

def on_close(ws, code, reason):
    # On connection close stop the event loop.
    # Reconnection will not happen after executing `ws.stop()`

# Assign the callbacks.
kws.on_ticks = on_ticks
kws.on_connect = on_connect
kws.on_close = on_close

# Infinite loop on the main thread. Nothing after this will run.
# You have to use the pre-defined callbacks to manage subscriptions.

Console API

Source code


Jugaad Trader - Zerodha Console API

Jugaad trader provides access to Console portal functionality as well


Command line interface reference

Introduction The jtrader command provides set of utilities to manage how you log in and interact with your broker’s account. The idea is that you should not use your credentials in the code ever. Additionally it may provide utilities to interact with your account from command line. Currently it support Zerodha only. Getting started jtrader is the root command, it will then have sub-commands for each of the brokers $ jtrader Usage: jtrader [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS].


Jugaad Trader - Upstox documentation

This is part of jugaad-trader documentation, with detailed reference for Upstox related functions
